Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Continuing my Skyrim series

Having a Diamond GC500 was nice but they kinda mislead me of a few things. One, it was HD pass-through only, that means it doesn't record in HD. Two, it was composite/component only. I was a little upset at first but it was just to get my feet wet. So by this time I had Skyrim going full blast, Recording all that I could, and Meag's computer doing whatever it wanted to. I managed to produce some weird videos. Them being my baby, I had no idea that they were... weak, lets say weak. This video is prime example of that.
Now before you judge or just say WTF, the premise of this video is when the dragon breaths fire on me, I time shift. Well good idea but it never reached the greatness that my mind wanted.

Another video I made was modeled around the Benny Hill theme song, you know, the British comedy song that they always played while giving chase at high speed. Well again it did not come out the way I envisioned it. None the less it was still satisfactory.
I did the video like I thought British comedians back in Monty Pythons day would make it.

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